Inspire unity.
Exceed standards.
Achieve success for all students.
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Here at Eastlake, our PTSA is comprised of Elected board members (voted on by our membership), Appointed board members (appointed by the elected board) and Chairs. We also have committees that operate at certain times, and general volunteer needs. Below are descriptions of all the roles that enable us to deliver a positive impact on Eastlake High School, it's students and staff and the community. To see our current open positions, please visit our Board and Chairs page.

Elected Board Positions Appointed Board Positions Chairs Committees General Volunteer Needs
Elected Board Positions
President (2) Preside at all executive, board, and general membership meetings, attends all council meetings at the school district. Makes appointments to positions and committees, be an ex-officio member of all committees (except nominating committee) and ensure that all committees are running smoothly. Collaborate with all of the EHS community to promote high standards of communication and support of enhanced learning.
Treasurer (1-2) Be a legal custodian of the funds of our PTSA local unit, receive and disburse all monies, propose budgets, maintain records as needed and prepare financial statements. Present Budget updates at monthly meetings. Oversee the following committees: Financial review, grants and scholarships.
Secretary (1) Responsible for correspondence, keep records of all executive, board, and general membership meetings and provides an electronic copy by email no later than week after the meeting for review. Provide copies of previous meetings and act as custodian of all records. Distributes weekly mail at least twice a week to appropriate parties.
VP of Volunteers Actively help find volunteers for the Holiday Bazaar, distribute volunteer lists to committee chairs at their request or solicit volunteers for their events/programs as needed throughout the year. Publish requests for volunteers in PTSA newsletter.
VP of Membership Responsible for activities promoting PTSA membership, working actively towards 100% membership at East lake High School. Maintains records of all members, dues paid, email addresses and membership numbers, submits same to the state PTSA.
VP of Ways and Means Raise funds adequate to cover yearly operating expenses and to fund grants for classroom and club needs. Oversee the fundraising activities and post and publicize a calendar of the planned fund-raisers. Oversee the following committees: Fundraising Drive, “Fear Free” SAT/ACT, Holiday Bazaar, Recognition Wall-Tiles, and any other fundraising sources such as low-effort sources (Amazon, etc).  
Appointed Board Positions
Communications Responsible for the all-channel delivery of information to membership, and in particular produces and sends the Wolf Tracks newsletter. Participates in weekly Board meetings. Works with chairs in the areas of social media, web site, graphics, and IT Administration of our Microsoft 365 collaboration platform.  
Community Service Offer service opportunities, publish monthly spotlight and service award winners.  
Emergency Preparedness Coordinates emergency packs for each room in the school, replacing supplies at the beginning of the year. Updates supplies in emergency container as needed. Attends emergency meetings at the school district.  
Legislative Advocacy Provide information on the legislative process and issues affecting education and children. Survey membership of PTSA legislative issues in Fall and attend PTSA Legislative Assembly in October in order to provide information about PTSA interests and encourage membership involvement in state educational issues. Attend Focus Day in January.  
Special Needs Chair acts as a resource to families with special needs children. Attends special meetings at the school district. 
Senior Pre-Commencement Celebration The Senior Pre-Commencement Celebration is the last event that the senior class and their families will attend here at EHS before graduation.  It is a multi-chair position with three main committee chairs that include a Day of Event Coordinator (decorations, refreshments, etc.), a Ceremony Coordinator (organizing and planning the ceremony), and a Logistics Coordinator (including coordinating invitations, senior slide show and volunteers for the event). The committee is also responsible for finding and coordinating the keynote, faculty and student speakers at the event. 
Senate Representative Meets regularly with teaching staff, admin, and students to discuss matters of concern for any part of the EHS community and provides recommendations for solutions.
ASB Liaison Communicates with the EHS ASB leadership and keeps the PTSA informed about what they are doing. Coordinates PTSA support for the ASB, when needed.
Social Media Editor Publishes to the PTSA Facebook page and Instagram and X feeds, including sharing of information from other channels and events. Manages membership of the Eastlake Parents Facebook group.  
IT Admin Manages the backend Microsoft 365 collaboration platform, email accounts, and (optionally) website e-commerce.
Website Editor Maintains the PTSA website articles, content, and calendar. Optionally - site e-commerce and maintenance. Familiarity with the Our School Pages (OSP) platform is a plus, but training is available. Passion for a good looking informative and up to date web presence. 
Eastlake Angels / Pantry Packs Works with the counseling office to fundraise and provide assistance to students in need that cannot be provided by other programs, works with volunteers to prepare weekend food pack for students in need
Grants Chairperson of the Grants committee in order to determine proposed expenditures to the Executive Committee and surveys staff to compile a "wish list". Provide a written list of grant requests to present to the board for approval. Provide a list of grants approved and post on the website.
Holiday Bazaar The Holiday Bazaar is the biggest fundraiser for EHS PTSA. The chair/s oversee the Holiday Bazaar that is held the first Saturday in November. Chair/s coordinate volunteers, recruit and manage vendors, publicize the event to ensure large turnout and run the day-of (with volunteers) set up, event and clean-up. Vendor recruiting starts in the summer. Chair works within a budget, providing a monthly report to PTSA Board on progress of bazaar. Publicity is the crucial point of the success of this bazaar (contact city for hanging banners, publicize throughout community by ways of Sammamish newspapers, radio stations, flyers in businesses, Wolf Tracks, Website, etc.). 
Mock SAT & ACT Work with a testing partner to offer 2-3 annual SAT and ACT practice tests to students. Recruit volunteers as needed, publish sign ups for tests via PTSA channels and the school.
Parent Education  Plan and execute educational programs and invite speakers for the General PTSA meetings. Collaborate with the Community Liaison, and ensure our PTSA programs are appropriately engaging our families and community.  
PTSA Awards & Recognition This committee is in charge of the PTSA awards given to individuals for outstanding contributions to the school and its students. Prepares a survey for PTSA members to select the recipients. The awards presentation is in the spring, the date is set by the school. Announce the winners at the Volunteer Tea. Also provides a small monthly staff and volunteer spotlight for Wolf Tracks. Primarily active March-May.  
Recognition Wall Tiles These brick tiles are mounted outside the wall next to the flag pole in recognition of students and are purchased by the parents with students’ names of them. The Chair is in charge of overseeing publicity, including a flyer that goes out in the summer mailing packet. Periodically remind parents of this opportunity through Wolf Tracks and Website. Collect the monies and gives money to PTSA Treasurer, contacts the contractor who makes the individual tiles to give the names to him, and arrange a date for him to come and install the new tiles.  
Reflections This is a National PTA arts competition program. Areas of submission include visual, music, photography, and literature. The theme is determined by the National PTA. This committee coordinates advertising of the theme, collecting entries, organizing judges, and following winner submissions through the competition process. Winners from each school compete in the district, district winners go on to the state competition, and state winners go on to national competition. 
Senior Apparel Find vendor to make senior clothing, i.e., t-shirts, sweats, etc., to be sold at Registration the last week in August. Update website for order information.  
Senior Send-Off (SSO) Organize, plan and carry out the senior graduation night party. Works under the direction of the PTSA Board. Needs to work within a specific budget. Plan a fundraiser to directly fund the Grad night party. Need to publicize this event throughout the year starting with flyer in summer packet, registration, curriculum night, Wolf Tracks, and Website. Need to report to PTSA Board on progress.  
Scholarships Serve as committee chair in reviewing and selecting scholarship winners. Publicizes PTSA scholarships to students in a timely manner. Informs PTSA Treasurer and Board of winners.  
Staff Appreciation Chair/s create events to express appreciation to all teachers and staff. The first event is in the first week that teachers are back at school usually last week of August. A week-long appreciation celebration is held in the spring, and an end-of-the-year luncheon is held. Food donations are solicited from parents and help from volunteers.
Standards of Excellence SOE is a WA State PTA Award for PTAs who operate under specific excellence standards. Chair studies these requirements and informs the board as to affect PTSA operations to meet the standards. Chair fills out and submits the application with the assistance of the board.  
Student Recognition This Chair organizes three annual receptions for students who achieve a 3.75 GPA of higher. Chair recruits volunteers to provide sweets and help at events and produces and delivers certificates for recognized students.
Financial Review Twice a year (January, July), an independent committee of three reviews the finances of the PTSA according to detailed questionnaire and records from the treasurer.  
Nominating Committee Active from Nov - April, the 3-person nominating committee is responsible to recruit the needed elected and appointed board positions for the following school year. The committee presents a slate to membership to vote on. 
General Volunteer Needs
Holiday Bazaar The bazaar is a large event that needs many helping hands to make work. In the fall, we ask for volunteers to help with our bake sale, set up and take down of the bazaar venue (usually the commons), support for vendors, food and more.
Staff Appreciation To make our appreciation events truly special for our staff, we ask for volunteers to provide food donations and their time. Staff Appreciation chairs create specific sign-ups for the needs of each event.
Student Recognition We ask community members to help us recognize academic achievement by donating cookies, juice and a helping hand at these events. Events follow each of the first three quarters.