A big Thank You to our supportive community for making the 31st Annual Eastlake PTSA Holiday Bazaar an overwhelming success! The PTSA Holiday Bazaar brought together 140 plus local vendors, new and returning. These talented artisans continue to impress us with their latest pieces. We had dedicated volunteers who left a lasting impression on our community. Thank you to our volunteers. The event is impossible without the help of student and adult volunteers. This year we had over 50 students participate. Some stay for multiple shifts and even return for the second day. Our volunteers make this event easier and enjoyable for our artisans and attendees. Thank you to our amazing bakers who contributed to our sold out bake sale!
VENDOR REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSEDThank you for your interest in the Eastlake High School PTSA Holiday Bazaar! Registration is now closed. Pre-registration for next year’s Holiday Bazaar will begin in the summer of 2025. To be included on our vendor mailing list, send your name, company name, and phone number to holidaybazaar@ehsptsa.org. Please consider visiting the Holiday Bazaar on Saturday, November 8th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.