Inspire unity.
Exceed standards.
Achieve success for all students.
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We are THANKFUL and humbled by your ongoing support for our Eastlake PTSA. Everything our PTSA is able to do for our students, our school, and our community is thanks to the generosity and participation of our members.  

We know, this year is another challenging year for so many, in different ways. This year, we find our PTSA is behind on both our fundraising and membership goals compared to last year (when we were fully remote) and the year prior. Our largest annual fundraiser was again modified and at reduced-capacity this year and did not generate our usual income. Therefore, we are working to make adjustments to our budget to ensure our investments in our students and our school do not exceed our income.

There are many ways you can support our Eastlake PTSA's efforts to continue to fund as much as possible; please consider one or more of these if you can: 

With gratitude and best wishes for you and your families, 
Natalie & Erika, your Eastlake PTSA Co-Presidents.