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Exceed standards.
Achieve success for all students.
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To contact a board member or committee chair, click the associated link below. To learn what these various position do, visit our Jobs page.

Board and chair positions marked OPEN have not been filled; if you are interested in or would recommend someone for a position, please contact our VP of Volunteers.  The PTSA also welcomes the "buddy system" for committees and positions -- grab a friend and have some fun on our team!


Co-Presidents Beth Knapick -- Jen O'Donnell
Secretary Nikki Balt
Treasurer Leanne Brodzinski
VP, Membership Jen Fowler -- Amy Wells
VP, Volunteers Jay Pulacode -- Lalitha Deepak Setty
Co-VPs, Ways & Means Ajay Chakrapani -- Olga Pechuk
Communications Natalie Wells
Community Liaison Heidi Schmedding
Community Service Julie Olson
Emergency Prep Michele Heidorn
Legislative Advocate Bertha Bonds
Senior Convocation Beth Knapick -- Jen O'Donnell -- Katherine Bryant -- Julie Mohrhardt
Senate Representative Heidi Schmedding
Communications (Social Media Editor) Annette Wolf
Communications (Wolf Tracks Editor) Renee Baker
Communications (Web Site Editor) Cyndi Smith
Eastlake Angels / Pantry Packs Tallee Whitehorn
Special Needs Susan Kang-Smith
Financial Review OPEN
Fundraising Drive & Matching Gifts OPEN
Grants Nancy Colburn
Holiday Bazaar Gigi Predmore -- Traci DiStacio -- Jill Corriveau
Low-Effort Fundraising Nancy Colburn
Middle School Liaison - Evergreen Natalie Wells
Middle School Liaison - Inglewood Jen Fowler
Mock SAT & ACT  Amy Taricco -- Alpana Agarwal -- Neelima Khaneral
Parent Education  Beth Knapick -- Jen O'Donnell
Projects Chair  OPEN
PTSA Awards & Recognition Aileen Sabbatani
Recognition Wall Tiles Alice Kirkwood
Reflections Michele Simmons, OPEN
Senior Apparel Dawn McCutcheon
Senior Send-Off (SSO) Renee Baker -- Val Westmoreland
Scholarships Renuka Iyer -- Lalitha Deepak Setty
Staff Appreciation Janette Kovsky -- Kathie Roth-Johnson
Standards of Excellence Clea Morehart
Student Recognition Shanke Liu
Principal Chris Bede
Student Representative Jenna Raymond
Teacher Representative Paula Olsen