Inspire unity.
Exceed standards.
Achieve success for all students.
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Do you like being "in the know" and "getting the scoop" at Eastlake, enjoy managing the "big picture" and helping a great team of volunteers, and are ready to lead the charge of continued excellence?  Then please consider the role of PTSA Co-President!  This is a 2-year commitment: the first year you will "shadow" our second-year co-president while attending all board and council meetings and state-approved training, and essentially "tag team" with her on everything PTSA.  During your second year, you will work with a new incoming co-president in the same way. 

Don't be shy about contacting us to find out more details about the commitment and the rewards!  Reach out to one of our Nominating Committee members so that we can arrange for you to chat with our current PTSA presidents!  Inquiring does not mean committing, but serving on the PTSA is a privilege, and it just might be perfect for you!

Email us at  We'd love to hear from you!