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Allyse DiRe-Day is the new Prevention Intervention Specialist (PI or Drug & Alcohol Counselor) from Youth Eastside Services. This is her 7th year of educating, presenting and supporting for students, families and staff. She will be at Eastlake on Tuesdays and Fridays from 8:45am to 3:15pm, in room C-236B. 

Allyse works with students who are referred by teachers, administrators, students, staff and parents. Her work includes anything related to Drug/Alcohol/Tobacco/Nicotine including signs/symptoms, trends across our district and communities and any family issues related to D/A use/abuse. She also has community resource referrals for any kind of counseling, support groups, family help/support, etc. 

Services provided:

  • Individual sessions with students/parents/families
  • D/A Screenings and/or comprehensive assessments
  • Referrals to community resources (including support groups, mental health counseling, housing)
  • Classroom introductions
  • Facilitation of drug/alcohol awareness activities
  • Educational tidbits to staff, students, parents
  • Trainings on drug/alcohol abuse trends; recognizing a student of concern, and referral process

Organized groups:     

  • “Affected Others” for students who are impacted by a family member’s drug/alcohol use
  • “Healthy Choices” for students struggling with d/a use or experimentation and are looking for healthy coping skills, support & alternatives
  • “Sober Support” for students who want more tools and skills to maintain their sobriety
  • “Living Skills” for students who want to build resiliency, healthy decision making skills and healthy coping skills.

If you are concerned about a student who may be using OR who may be impacted by someone else’s use, please refer them to Allyse. You can refer by email, in person, or through a counselor or administrator. She will let you know once she has followed up with your referral. However, due to strict Federal Confidentiality Laws, she cannot update you on the student’s progress unless they have signed a consent form and placed your name on it.  
Allyse will periodically send out a “DID YOU KNOW?” fact or tidbit about drug/alcohol/tobacco/nicotine use. Please contact Allyse in C-236B, by email, or phone (ext 61534) with any questions.